Janet Borgerson and Jonathan Schroeder

About the Authors

We are an Amazon best selling creative team and have been writing about vinyl records, among other topics, for over 20 years. We call it an analog rescue project. Our work has appeared in a wide range of publications from Cool and Strange Music to the World Financial Review. Having collected records over several decades, our enthusiasm for modern design, retro aesthetics, and travel abroad found expression in our book, Designed for Hi-Fi Living: The Vinyl LP in Midcentury America. We live in Rochester, New York, surrounded by midcentury design, furniture, and a lot of records.

Janet Borgerson

Janet Borgerson

When I was young, my dad brought me copies of the new Monkees vinyl LPs, and then Rubber Soul by The Beatles and since then, I have never been without records. I divide my time between Michigan, New York, and England. I write mostly about consumer culture, aesthetics, and identity.

I studied philosophy, economics, and writing at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and earned a Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, completing postdoctoral work at Brown University. Early on, a writing fellowship from the Cranbrook Institute gave me a taste of living with modern design. My writing often draws on my background in art history, film studies, and branding.

Jonathan SChroeder

Jonathan Schroeder

I was born in Michigan, and have lived in California, Rhode Island, Sweden, England, and New York. The first LP I remember buying is the Shaft soundtrack album.

I studied perception, music, and psychology at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and received a Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of California-Berkeley. Currently, I am the William A. Kern Professor in the School of Communication, Rochester Institute of Technology in New York. I write a lot about branding, identity, photography, visual communication.